Lowering Medication Costs and Improving Access to Care for Millions

Let’s do health care differently


About Synergie

Synergie Medication Collective is a new medication contracting organization founded by a group of Blue Cross and Blue Shield affiliated companies to serve both Blues and select independent health plans. Synergie is focused on improving affordability and access to costly medical benefit drugs — ones that are injected or infused by a health care professional in a clinical setting — for nearly 100 million Americans.

The current medication landscape is defined by rising costs, system complexities, and misaligned financial incentives that do little to improve how people afford and access the care they need.

We’re here to change that — we’re creating a more transparent and trusted way forward for the industry.

Company Pillars

Synergie’s investors recognized the opportunity to make a difference for patients requiring complex and expensive treatments covered under the medical benefit. Each investor company is eager to deliver value to their respective local communities across the United States. Synergie will deliver on this promise by:


Improving Affordability and Access

Synergie aims to reduce medical benefit drug costs by establishing a more efficient contracting model based upon its collective reach and engagement with pharmaceutical manufacturers and other industry stakeholders. With a core philosophy that prioritizes partnership and transparency, Synergie aims to play a key role in ensuring access to affordable treatments for millions of people.



Synergie will utilize its unique footprint to accelerate the availability of transformative value-based models with our pharmaceutical manufacturer partners, investors, and other industry stakeholders to ensure the high prices being paid for the medications covered under the medical benefit are proportional to the clinical value achieved.



Synergie will improve participating health companies’ efficiency in contract negotiations and administration. This is done by creating a single point of contact for contract negotiations and related administrative functions.

Discover Our New Products

Introducing SelectMed+ Rebates and Cell & Gene+, the first two product solutions in a series of offerings through our SelectMed+ product suite. These products are designed to fulfill our mission of significantly enhancing the affordability and accessibility of expensive medications that are covered under the medical benefit. These solutions are available through participating health plans that have adopted these products as part of their medical offerings.

Click here to download our SelectMed+ Medical Drug List 25*

Why Synergie?

A Focus on Medical Benefit Drugs

Synergie is committed to improving affordability and access to the life-saving treatments medical benefit drugs offer. Health plan members, or patients, have both medical and pharmacy benefits to cover health care costs. When it comes to medications, the medical benefit covers medications typically administered in a doctor’s office, usually in the form of infusions and injections, as opposed to the pharmacy benefit which includes medications often given to oneself, like a tablet or self-injectable medication.


Drugs covered by the medical benefit are often high-cost treatments such as multi-million-dollar gene therapies and infusible cancer drugs. These treatments represent a substantial portion of overall drug spend, with significant growth in future spend anticipated.

Investors Delivering Value to Local Communities

Synergie’s investors recognized the opportunity to make a difference for patients requiring complex and expensive treatments covered under the medical benefit. Each investor company is eager to deliver value to their respective local communities across the United States. Synergie, an independent company, was founded for this purpose.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

Elevance Health

Evio Pharmacy Solutions

Founded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Blue Shield of California, Highmark Inc., and Independence Blue Cross

Prime Therapeutics

Including Magellan Rx Management as part of Prime

And several independent health plans:

Excellus, HMSA, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Blue Cross of Idaho, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, Premera Blue Cross, Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana and Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield


Why We are Called Synergie Medication Collective?

The name “Synergie” represents the investors’ common goal of creating value and better experiences for all. It highlights our combined effort to strengthen access, affordability, and outcomes.

“Medication Collective” further describes the company’s category and focus — the product of a group of independent companies building solutions in the medical benefit drug space.

Join the Synergie Team

No available opportunities at this time

News & Media


Announcing Synergie Medication Collective

Blue Cross Blue Shield companies form Synergie Medication Collective, a new venture to radically improve affordability and access to costly medications for millions. 

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Blues plans launch Synergie to cut costs for the priciest drugs

Synergie Medication Collective, an independent company the plans see as a novel solution to costly physician-administered drugs.

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Introducing Synergie Medication Collective

A note from Jarrod Henshaw, Synergie Chief Executive Officer. 

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